All The Tailoress® patterns can be used to produce a maximum of 50 الملابس المادية / سلع للبيع. لإنتاج المزيد ، يرجى ببساطة إعادة شراء النموذج لتمديد الترخيص مرة أخرى 50. This limit applies to each set of patterns, a total of 50 items can be made and sold from any variation of pattern sizes. فمثلا: Bella Pyjama size set 7-12 for dogs, a maximum of 50 items in total, not 50 items each size.

أنماط, accompanying pattern files and their download links are strictly for the sole use of the purchaser and may not be shared or distributed in any way, freely or for financial compensation.

All patterns and their accompanying files are strictly copyright of The Tailoress® and may not in anyway (شكل أصلي أو مشتق) يتم توزيعها أو بيعها فعليًا, رقميًا أو غير ذلك.