S: Maxaa format aan hannaankii heli doontaa in?

A: Dhammaan nidaamyada iyo waraaqaha la socda waxaa lagu bixiyay format PDF. file PDF A waa qaab file si fudud loo aqoonsan yahay, waayo, dhammaan noocyada kala duwan ee qalabka iyo kombiyuutarada iyo si fudud loo daabici karaa.

To minimise the file sizes as much as possible, all PDF files are compressed into a ZIP file. A ZIP file can be easily opened on most computers simply by double clicking it.

In the event you are unable to open the ZIP file you may need to download a programme or app which can handle this type of file.

For iPhone and iPads, please try the ‘Documents by Readdleapp which can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

S: Sidee baan ku daabacan aan hannaankii iyo sidee waan ogahay sida badan bogaga waxay u baahan doontaa inaad u daabacaa?

A: Iyadoo download kasta, tilmaamaha daabacaadda waxaa ka mid sanamyadooda. View the Tilmaamaha Daabacaadda. Printing is very easy and you have two options:

Xulashada 1:

Adobe Reader (free download halkan)

Adobe Reader kuu ogolaanayaa inaad si loo doorto aad page size iyo u arkaan sida ay u daabacdo doonaa bogaga kuwa. Waxaad dooran kartaa in aad ku darto marks iyo bogga tirada cut in ay u oggolaadaan in aad si fudud isugu haboon pages mar waxa uu soo daabacay. Habkani waa hab fiican si aad u faa'iidaystaan ​​daabaco warqad ballaaran haddii aad printer waxay u saamaxdaa, sidaas jarida hoos on time wada qaatay diyaarinta xubnihii.

Xulashada 2:

Print the included pattern split onto A4 pages. All you need to do for this is to ensure you set your printer settings toactual size” ama “100%”.

S: Sidee baan ku ogaan haddii qaab ku haboon doonaa baaxadda aan u rabto in aad?

A: Fadlan u aragto Chart qiimaynta halkan si aad u doorato ka cabirka ugu dhow kuwa aad u baahan tahay.

S: Kaliya waxaan soo iibsaday oo aan hannaankii, sidee ayaan hadda u dejisan?

A: Ka dib markii iibsiga, waxaad heli doontaa email ah oo ay ku jiraan link in aad riixi kartaa oo aad qaadan doonaa in aad file download. Alternatively you can access your account via the website link at the top of any page. Halkan waxa aad ku tusi doonaa amarada iyo download links heli karaa.

If you have purchased a pattern with a Dropbox link and are now unable to access it, please contact us with your purchase date and registered email address and we will send you the pattern via email.

S: Waxaan soo iibsaday qaab laakiin anigu ma aan kala soo bixi kari lahaa, maxaan sameeyaa?

A: Contact us immediately and we will ensure you get your pattern ASAP.

If you have purchased a pattern with a Dropbox link and are now unable to access it, please contact us with your purchase date and registered email address and we will send you the pattern via email.

S: Ma fahmin wax tutorial hannaankii oo anna waxaan ku xayiran, maxaan sameeyaa?

A: Please visit our Support Forum and post a question. You may also find the answer you are looking for is already answered!

S: Can I sell garments/items made using The Tailoress® patterns?

A: All The Tailoress® patterns can be used to produce a maximum of 50 physical garments/items for sale. To produce more please simply re-purchase the pattern to extend the license again by another 50.

All patterns and their accompanying files are strictly copyright of The Tailoress® and may not in anyway (original or derivative form) be distributed or sold on physically, digitally or otherwise.

S: Are the A4 and US letter documents numbered?

A: In the top left of each page you will see Page 1 – Row 1 – Column 1. The next page will show Page 2 – Row 1 – Column 2 etc.. Rows are horizontal and Columns vertical.

You should match a vertical straight line on the right hand side of the page to the left hand side of the next page without a straight vertical line, matching the triangles to make diamonds. Fold the paper back along the vertical line to make matching the triangles easier. Your printer will print the pages row by row, so it is recommended to piece together each row and then piecing together the columns.

Always assemble the pages before cutting the pattern out.

Read more about printing here