Marisa Monokini Swimsuit Tutorial



ሁሉም ጥለት ቁርጥራጭ ቆርጠህ.

Lay the main fabric and lining fabric RIGHT SIDES together of the entire FRONT and BACK pieces.

Pin together. Stitch using zig-zag stitch or a stretch stitch on an overlocker.

Ensure to leave open the section for turning right sides out later and the TIE LOOP openings at the top.

Trim seam allowances.



Fold the TIE LOOPS in half following the dashed line on the pattern piece.

Sew the seam allowance.

ወደ ውስጠኛው ማዕከል ወደ የተሰፋ መስመር ጋር RIGHT ጎኖች ይታጠፉ.



Fold the TIE LOOPS in half lengthways matching the raw seam allowances. Insert the TIE LOOPS into the FRONT of the swimsuit, ስለ ውስጣዊ እና በውጨኛው ጨርቅ መካከል.

Pin and stitch the seam allowances.




Fold the seam allowances of the open section to the inside and sew using small whip stitches by hand.



There are 3 options for completing the TIES.

Option 1: Fold the TIE in half along its length RIGHT SIDES together. Place a length of string in-between. Sew across the top to secure the string to the TIE. Pin and sew the seam allowance. Carefully pull the string turning the TIE RIGHT SIDES out.

Option 2: አንድ ምልልስ ተርነር ካለዎት:
Fold the TIE in half lengthways and sew the seam allowance. አንድ ስፌት ተርነር በመጠቀም ወደ ውጭ RIGHT ጎኖች ይታጠፉ.

Option 3: If you have a binder attachment you can use it with zig-zag stitch to create your ties.

Finish the TIE by turning the raw ends under twice and use small stitches to secure or by making a knot at each end. Insert one into each TIE LOOP to complete.