Puf Tutorial



Tallar totes les peces. Comenceu doblant els dards en la peça superior Tornar. Pin i de la puntada.



Pin the Top Back onto the top of the Top Seat piece and stitch. Start pinning at the centre then the edges, alleujar la resta al seu lloc.



Pin and stitch the Center Front and Centre Top of the Side Panel pieces right sides together.



Take the Top Seat and Top Back pieces that were previously joined and carefully pin them in place onto the Side Panel matching the centre point first then pinning around. puntada.



Pin i cosir la Tornar al panell lateral. Begin pinning from the Centre Top easing the rest around.



Pin the Bottom piece to the Side Panel and Back pieces. Marqueu la ubicació de la cremallera. Comenceu la costura al final del punt postal assegurar amb un repunt. When you reach the start of the zip point secure with backstitch then change stitch size to large and sew the zip seam.



Fold the ZIP ENDS in half and place across the zip end placements.

Pin i cosir la cinta de cremallera en els marges de costura entre la zona marcada del panell lateral i peces inferiors. Utilitzeu un peu postal per a cosir a prop de la cremallera. Assegurar-se deixar la cremallera oberta una mica per poder accedir als punts de sutura temporals.



unpick acuradament els punts temporals i obrir la cremallera. Al seu torn la borsa costats i la part superior dreta les puntades al voltant de la cremallera al costat dret de la tela.



Fold the remaining ZIP ENDS in half.

With the bag WRONG SIDES out, place the ZIP ENDS over the first ones already sewn in.

Pin and stitch through each ZIP END and the zip tape. Trim the excess from the sides.


STEP 10:

Repetiu tots els passos anteriors per crear una borsa interna per mantenir els grans. En lloc de marcar per a un gran postal, mark for a small 20cm zip along the marked zip line where the side panel and bottom pieces join.

A continuació, seguir endavant i omplir la seva bossa de fesols!

The outer cover is designed to be removed so you can wash it when needed, while the lining bag retains all the beans.

Filling the bags can be very tricky and messy. It may be easier to do if you use an old plastic bottle with the ends cut off as a funnel. Insert into the zip opening and close the zip up to it to hold in place. Then gently tip or scoop the beans in.