Bella Pyjamas Tutorial for Dogs

Obtenir el patró aquí: STANDARD DOG SIZES / DACHSHUNDS


Take the HEM CUFF and NECKLINE CUFF (if using) and fold in half RIGHT SIDES together to create a continuous loop. Pin i cosir els marges de costura curts.


Doblar la màniga punts ¢ o per la meitat al llarg de la seva amplada. Match the raw edges of the folded CUFF to the SLEEVE.

Ease (stretch the CUFF enough to reach from side to side) onto the end of the SLEEVE. Pin i de la puntada.

Repeat for the BACK LEGS.


Match the back of the SLEEVE to the BACK RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER.

Pin i la puntada en el seu lloc.


Match the FRONT to the front side of the SLEEVE. Pin i cosir com abans.

Repetiu el pas 3-4 per a l'altre costat de la peça.


Amb les peces de vestir i banda de l'inrevés fora, lay the FRONT and BACK RIGHT SIDES together.

agulla, puntada, trim and finish from the SLEEVE CUFF to the hem along the side seam.


Fold the BACK LEGS in half RIGHT SIDES together and stitch the seam allowance.


Fold the NECKLINE CUFF/WARMER in half matching the raw edges. Find the centre front and centre back locations on the NECK CUFF/WARMER and main garment neckline. Match the raw edges of the NECK CUFF/WARMER to the garment neckline. Pin i de la puntada. Ease the NECKLINE CUFF/WARMER around the neckline opening, Dret amb dret.

Pin and stitch in place and finish the seam allowance.


Col · loqui els costats dret trossos junts HOOD. Pin and stitch around the outside seam line.


Take the HOOD CUFF, fold it in half matching the longest seam allowances. Pin and stitch to the HOOD opening.

STEP 10:

Overlap the two seam allowances of the HOOD CUFF so one is behind the other. Apply the centre of the HOOD CUFF to the centre front of the garment.

Match the centre back of the HOOD with the centre back of the garment. Pin and stitch around.

STEP 11:

Aplicar la vora de l'maneguet fins la vora de peces de vestir, Dret amb dret.

Facilitat de manera uniforme al voltant de continuació, pin i cosir al seu lloc.

Acaba el marge de costura.