PAS 1:
1.5assignació cm costura inclòs
Curta totes les peces del patró. The CUFFS will sew better if made from jersey.
Fold the LEG CUFFS in half lengthways. Match the raw edges of one with those of FRONT 1, Dret amb dret.
Pin i la puntada en el seu lloc. Repetiu per al front 2.
Utilitzeu la puntada en ziga-zaga o una altra puntada elàstica al llarg d'aquest projecte. També vos d'usar una agulla de màquina del bolígraf Jersei.
PAS 2:
amb el front 1 over FRONT 2 with both parts RIGHT SIDES up, align either end of the cuffs on FRONT 1 with the markers on FRONT 2.
Pin en el seu lloc.
PAS 3:
FRONT Lay 1 & 2 Els drets juntament amb el dors. Pin the side seam allowances together, removing the pins at the join of FRONT 1 & 2 and replacing to secure through all pieces.
Cosa al seu lloc. Repeat for the opposite side.
PAS 4:
Take the HEM CUFF and NECKLINE CUFF (if using) and fold in half RIGHT SIDES together to create a continuous loop. Pin i cosir els marges de costura curts.
Skip to step 10 for neck warmer or step 13 for hood.
PAS 5:
Fold the NECKLINE CUFF in half matching the raw edges. Ease the NECKLINE CUFF around the neckline opening, Dret amb dret.
Pin and stitch in place and finish the seam allowance.
PAS 6:
Aplicar la vora de l'maneguet fins la vora de peces de vestir, Dret amb dret.
Facilitat de manera uniforme al voltant de continuació, pin i cosir al seu lloc.
Acaba el marge de costura.
PAS 7:
Fold the NECK WARMER CUFF in half along the centre fold line.
PAS 8:
Sew the raw edges together.
PAS 9:
Press open the seam allowances. Fold the NECK WARMER CUFF back on itself concealing the seam allowances just sewn and creating a complete loop of doubled up fabric.
Find the centre front and centre back locations on the NECKWARMER and main garment neckline. Match the raw edges of the NECK WARMER to the garment neckline. Pin i de la puntada.
PAS 10:
Col · loqui els costats dret trossos junts HOOD. Pin and stitch around the outside seam line.
PAS 11:
Take the HOOD CUFF, fold it in half matching the longest seam allowances. Pin and stitch to the HOOD opening.
PAS 12:
Overlap the two seam allowances of the HOOD CUFF so one is behind the other. Apply the centre of the HOOD CUFF to the centre front of the garment.
Match the centre back of the HOOD with the centre back of the garment. Pin and stitch around.