Valentina Trousers Tutorial



FOR JUMPSUITbegin by following the top tutorial.
With the TROUSER RIGHT SIDES together, doblega la cama per la meitat utilitzant el marcador de costura de la caputxa com a referència per al centre.

Coseu i acabeu el marge de costura de la caputxa.



With the TROUSER still RIGHT SIDES together match the inside leg seam allowances.

agulla, puntada i acabar.

Repetiu els passos 1-2 per l'altre PANTALON.



Gireu un PANTALONS AMB EL COS ENVERTAT cap a fora. Col·loqueu l'altre PANTALON a dins i coincideixi amb els marges de costura de l'entrecuix COSTOS DRETS junts.

agulla, puntada i acabar.



Lay WAISTBAND 1 RIGHT SIDES together with WAISTBAND 2. Sew the seam allowances up to the markers. Fold and press the WAISTBAND in half lengthways, ready to apply.



TROUSERS (for the jumpsuit, the WAISTBAND is added to the top)
Col·loqueu els PANTALONS ELS COSTS DRETS cap a fora.

Doblegueu la CINTA per la meitat al llarg de la seva longitud.

Pin the WAISTBAND around the TROUSERS matching the centre of WAISTBAND 1 with the centre front.

puntada, finish and press the seam allowance to the inside.



Fold the LEG CUFF in half RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER matching the shorter ends together.

agulla, stitch and press open.

Fold in half around its length and press.

Match the raw edges of the LEG CUFF and the TROUSER leg RIGHT SIDES together. agulla, puntada, finish and press the seam allowance toward the inside.



Fold the TIE in half along its length RIGHT SIDES together. Place a length of string in-between. Sew across the top to secure the string to the TIE. Pin and sew the seam allowance. Carefully pull the string turning the TIE RIGHT SIDES out.

Si teniu un girador de bucles:
Fold the TIE in half lengthways and sew the seam allowance. Gira costats dret a terme utilitzant un passador de costura.

Finish the TIE by pressing it and turning the raw ends under twice and use small stitches to secure. Inseriu a la cintura per completar.

If you have a binder attachment you can use it with zig-zag stitch to create your ties.


Match the centre front, back and side seams of the TOP and TROUSER RIGHT SIDES together.

Pin i de la puntada. Acaba el marge de costura.

Complete by creating and inserting the tie.