Q: Zer formatuan egingo nire eredua jaso dut?
A: ereduak guztiak eta erantsitako dokumentuak PDF formatuan entregatu. PDF fitxategia A erraz aitortzen fitxategia gailu eta ordenagailu mota guztientzat formatu bat da eta erraz inprimatu ahal izango.
To minimise the file sizes as much as possible, all PDF files are compressed into a ZIP file. A ZIP file can be easily opened on most computers simply by double clicking it.
In the event you are unable to open the ZIP file you may need to download a programme or app which can handle this type of file.
For iPhone and iPads, please try the ‘Documents by Readdle’ app which can be downloaded for free from the App Store.
Q: Nola nire eredua inprimatu dut eta nola ez, zenbat orri inprimatu ahal izango da, ez dakit?
A: download bakoitzarekin, inprimatzeko argibideak irudiak barne. View the Inprimaketa Argibideak. Printing is very easy and you have two options:
Option 1:
Adobe Reader (deskargatu doan hemen)
Adobe Reader orriaren tamaina hautatu eta ikusi nola egingo orri horiek baino gehiago inprimatu ahalbidetzen. ebaki-ikurrak eta orri zenbakiak gehitzeko erraz moldatzen orrialdeetan elkarrekin behin inprimatuta ditu baimendu hauta dezakezu. Metodo honek inprimatzeko aprobetxatu duzu paper handiagoa duzun inprimagailuaren aukera ematen badu modu handi bat da, beraz moztea denbora gastatu piezak prestatzen elkarrekin.
Option 2:
Print the included pattern split onto A4 pages. All you need to do for this is to ensure you set your printer settings to “actual size” edo “100%”.
Q: Nola ez bada eredu bat behar dudanean tamaina doitzeko izango da ezagutzen dut?
A: Mesedez ikusi Kalkulatzen Chart Hemen neurketak behar duzu horiek hurbilen aukeran.
Q: Erosi dut nire eredua, nola ez, orain deskargatu dut?
A: erosketa ondoren, lotura bat dagoela bertan eramango zaitu zure fitxategia deskargatu klik egin dezakezu mezu elektroniko bat jasoko duzu. Alternatively you can access your account via the website link at the top of any page. Hemen erakutsiko dizu aginduak eta eskuragarri download loturak.
If you have purchased a pattern with a Dropbox link and are now unable to access it, please contact us with your purchase date and registered email address and we will send you the pattern via email.
Q: eredu bat erosi nuen, baina ezin nuen deskargatu, zer egin beharko nuke?
A: Contact us immediately and we will ensure you get your pattern ASAP.
If you have purchased a pattern with a Dropbox link and are now unable to access it, please contact us with your purchase date and registered email address and we will send you the pattern via email.
Q: Ez dut eredua tutoretza zerbait ulertu eta nago itsatsita I, zer egin beharko nuke?
A: Please visit our Support Forum and post a question. You may also find the answer you are looking for is already answered!
Q: Can I sell garments/items made using The Tailoress® patterns?
A: All The Tailoress® patterns can be used to produce a maximum of 50 physical garments/items for sale. To produce more please simply re-purchase the pattern to extend the license again by another 50.
All patterns and their accompanying files are strictly copyright of The Tailoress® and may not in anyway (original or derivative form) be distributed or sold on physically, digitally or otherwise.
Q: Are the A4 and US letter documents numbered?
A: In the top left of each page you will see Page 1 – Row 1 – Column 1. The next page will show Page 2 – Row 1 – Column 2 etc.. Rows are horizontal and Columns vertical.
You should match a vertical straight line on the right hand side of the page to the left hand side of the next page without a straight vertical line, matching the triangles to make diamonds. Fold the paper back along the vertical line to make matching the triangles easier. Your printer will print the pages row by row, so it is recommended to piece together each row and then piecing together the columns.
Always assemble the pages before cutting the pattern out.