Sphynx Bathrobe Sewing Pattern – Gùn Èideadh Aziza

Sphynx Bathrobe Sewing Pattern. Wrap your kitty up after his bath time in his very own robe. Make from jersey, fleece or towelling. It features a velcro belt secured around the waist.

Sizes are grouped into 5 different length sets. Please check the size chart in the images to determine which size will best fit your pet.

All pàtrain tighinn mar làn sgèile sgrìobhainnean a leigeas leibh a chlò-bhualadh air diofar meud duilleagan a thuilleadh A4 agus US Litir meud sgrìobhainnean.

Gach download tighinn le tutorial le dathan diagraman no photographs.

A 1.5cm seam cuibhreann ghabhail a-steach air a h-uile pàtran pìosan mur eil e air a ràdh.



Air fhaicinn o chionn ghoirid

  • Is e gnìomh a th’ ann an Bathar a chaidh fhaicinn o chionn ghoirid a chuidicheas tu gus sùil a chumail air an eachdraidh seallaidh agad o chionn ghoirid.
    Bùth a-nis
50 Meudan Pàtran fuaigheil Bathrobe Sphynx – Gùn Èideadh Aziza