Dachshund Sweater Sewing Pattern – Jasra Tee
Dachshund Sweater Sewing Pattern. NEW and IMPROVED! Now you can choose to make with a long or short tummy. The long tummy version will suit females better and the short version males (to allow for toileting without messing the shirt). Included now also is a longer neckline option.
A comfy chlùmhar tee a dhèanamh à Jersey fabric. Fhaotainneach le currachd no gun. Specially designed for dachshunds. May also fit other breeds with similar proportions.
Clò-bhualadh stiùireadh Gheibhear an-seo.
All pàtrain tighinn mar làn sgèile sgrìobhainnean a leigeas leibh a chlò-bhualadh air diofar meud duilleagan a thuilleadh A4 agus US Litir meud sgrìobhainnean.
Gach download tighinn le tutorial le dathan diagraman no photographs.
A 1.5cm seam cuibhreann ghabhail a-steach air a h-uile pàtran pìosan mur eil e air a ràdh.
Chan eil lèirmheas a dhèanamh air.