Joey Tee Tutorial
Slike su dostupne u uzorak preuzimanje.
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Izbacite sve dijelove obilježavanje bilo ravnoteže ili olakšati maraka. Ovaj odjevni predmet će imati razumnu protežu na njega pa se preporučuje koristiti cik-cak bodom gdje god je izgrađena šav.
Lay the front edge of the SLEEVE armhole to the FRONT armhole, Desna strana zajedno.
Pin i bod na šav doplatak.
Repeat for the other FRONT side.
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Lay the back SLEEVE armhole to the BACK armhole RIGHT SIDES together.
Pin i bod na šav doplatak.
Repeat for the other BACK side.
Završiti sve rukavac šav dozvola pomoću overlocker ili cik-cak bod. Trim ako je potrebno.
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S odjeće WRONG STRANE van, align the side seams and SLEEVE seams.
Pin and stitch continuously from SLEEVE cuff to the garment hem.
Završiti šav dozvola kao ranije.
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Fold in half the NECK CUFF RIGHT SIDES together and sew the short seam allowance.
Fold the NECK CUFF in half so that the raw edges meet.
Ease around the garment neckline. Pin i bod na mjestu.
For HOOD see Steps 5-7.
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s kapuljačom:
Ležala dva Hood komada desne strane zajedno. Pin i bod centru natrag šav doplatak. Trim i završiti šav doplatak s cik-cak bodom ili overlocking bod.
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Complete the hood by folding the front opening seam allowance back 0.75mm then again 0.75mm. Pin i bod na mjestu do kraja šav.
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Ease the neckline of the HOOD on to the garment neckline. Overlap the centre front edges of the HOOD by 1.5cm onto each other.
Pin i bod. Završite šav doplatak.
You may like to top-stitch the seam allowance flat towards the bottom of the garment.
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Complete the garment hem and cuffs by finishing the seam allowance, then folding it back 1.5cm and top-stitching to secure.
Pritisnite sve šavova.