Jul 26

Crow’s Foot Tack

The crow’s foot tack is similar to the arrowhead tack. Begin by marking a small triangle in the required place.

Waca liyane
Jul 25

Baseball Stitch

A stitch normally used to join two seams without any bulk. Used on interfacings. Begin by laying fabrics right sides

Waca liyane
Jul 24

Bar Tack

Tacks are mainly used to secure the ends of pockets and pleats were added reinforcement are needed. When done correctly

Waca liyane
Apr 11


Catchstitch This stitch allows a certain amount of elasticity in a seam and is often used in hemming. It is

Waca liyane
Apr 11

Crows Foot Tack

Crows Foot Tack Tacks are mainly used to secure the ends of pockets and pleats were added reinforcement are needed.

Waca liyane
Apr 11

Diagonal Basting

Diagonal Basting This stitch is used to hold multiple pieces of fabric together securely for a fitting. Use it

Waca liyane
Apr 11

Even Basting

Even Basting A basting stitch used for temporary seams that will be under stress when fitted. You can also use

Waca liyane
Apr 11

Uneven Basting

Uneven Basting You can use this stitch for temporary or permanent work. If you are using this stitch for permanently

Waca liyane
Apr 11

Top Stitching

Top Stitching Used for decorative purposes and also to hold seams flat or to accentuate them, like collars and lapels.

Waca liyane
Nuduhake 10 saka 16 posts