Pola Jahit Jumpsuit Wanita – Campuran Valentina & Busana Cocokake & Setelan Jumpsuit
Pola Jahit Jumpsuit Wanita. With the Valentina bundle you are limited only by your imagination. Create sultry, sophisticated looks for evening wear from velvets and satins, or casual effortless styles for daywear from jerseys and voiles. The Valentina can be styled for comfort or high fashion.
Featuring multiple drapes and cowls it hugs around the body and makes interesting lines. pinggul wis nggawa karo dasi nalika ngaso sandhangan mili watara tokoh. This bias cut design is a wardrobe game-changer.
Pattern comes complete with four top styles, a skirt and trouser which can be made alone or combined into dresses or jumpsuits. This pattern requires no special techniques to create, but a bias binder attachment would speed up application for Style 1 & 4 as well as the waist ties.
desain fitur ing Salah Planet Norwich Festival ing 10th Juni 2018. Maringi tulodho dening penari rosy May
Nggawe nggunakake kaos babagan rasukan kang nggawe drapes alus kanggo efek apik.
Kasedhiya ing ukuran: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18
instruksi Printing bisa ditemokake kene.
Kabeh pola teka dokumen ukuran minangka lengkap kanggo ngidini sampeyan print ing kaca ukuran beda uga A4 lan US Letter ukuran dokumen.
Saben download nerangake karo tutorial diagram werna utawa foto.
A sangu lapisan 1.5cm kalebu ing kabeh bêsik pola kecuali nyatakake.
– Dagmar (pemilik sing wis diverifikasi)
Love this Look. I hope i can do it😍