Gerda Kimono Tutorial



인쇄 지침을 읽어 보시기 바랍니다!

Create the welt pockets on the FRONT pieces. Follow the welt pocket tutorial included or find it here: HTTPS://



동점 문제 SIDES 최대, 한쪽 끝의 1cm를 다시 배. 긴 측면과 언론의 모두를 따라 5mm를 다시 접어. 이어서 이전에 온 원료 가장자리 은닉 반으로 접어 TIE. 대신에 스티치.

한쪽 끝은 원시 가장자리 남아, 이것은 의류 옆 솔기에 수 놓은됩니다.


함께 길게 칼라 오른쪽 측면을 접어. 함께 바닥 시접을 바느질. 코너를 클립하고 시접을 잘라. 우측 밖으로 누릅니다을 돌려.


함께 앞면과 뒷면 오른쪽 측면을 놓는다. 핀과 어깨 솔기 수당 스티치.

다른 측면에 대해 반복.


Lay the SLEEVE RIGHT SIDES together with the FRONT and BACK pieces. Matching the underarm points.

Pin and stitch the seam allowance between the underarm points.

열린 솔기를 누릅니다. 다른 SLEEVE 반복.


밖으로 의류 잘못된 측면과 함께, match the SLEEVE seam allowances and the side seams of the FRONT and BACK.

Insert the TIE at the tie insertion point of the side seam on one side. Insert it between the FRONT and BACK so that it is visible on the RIGHT SIDE of the garment once sewn.

Pin and stitch the SLEEVE from the underarm point at the sleeve opening, around the curve to the lowest inside point of the SLEEVE. Finish the seam allowances by clipping the curved edge and trimming to 7mm.

Pin and stitch the side seam from the underarm point to the hemline. Turn RIGHT SIDES out and press the seams allowances.


With the RIGHT SIDES out, pin the COLLAR around the centre front and neckline of the FRONT and BACK.

Pin the remaining TIE at the tie insertion point on the opposite side to where the side seam TIE is placed, on the centre FRONT.

Stitch just within the seam allowance.


Follow Steps 4-6 to create the lining, ignoring references to the TIES and there’s no need to clip the SLEEVE seam allowance.


Arrange the lining RIGHT SIDES together with the main garment. Pin and stitch around the centre front opening, including the COLLAR.

대신에 스티치.

우측 밖으로 누릅니다을 돌려.

STEP 10:

Turn back the seam allowances of the SLEEVE at both openings. Secure with small hand stitches. 프레스.

Turn up the main garment hemline 1 inch / 2.5cms and press. Turn up the lining hemline the same amount and pin. Sew together using hem stitch.