If you’d like to have your pattern printed for you, please try netprinter.co.uk. They offer high quality, affordable printing on paper sizes up to A0. Worldwide shipping available.
Test your print settings
Download this Control Line page to test your settings are correct before printing your pattern:
Printing A4 and US Letter sized pages:
Select a quocumque Print PDF uteris inspectoris. Perficite, ut print et occasus “100%”, “FULLSCALE” uel “IPSE” ne ut a magnitudine animi your resizing paginis.
In the top left of each page you should see Page 1 – Row 1 – Column 1. The next page will show Page 2 – Row 1 – Column 2 etc.. Rows are horizontal and Columns vertical.
You should match a vertical straight line on the right hand side of the page to the left hand side of the next page without a straight vertical line, matching the triangles to make diamonds. Fold the paper back along the vertical line to make matching the triangles easier. Your printer will print the pages row by row, so it is recommended to piece together each row and then piecing together the columns.
Always assemble the pages before cutting the pattern out.
Printing tua copyshop PDF:
1. Download tardus poema poematis of Adobe Reader (the free version not the extended version):
2. Patefacio sursum forma PDF in Adobe Lector.
3. Select print. Sub PAGE SIZING et tractatio’ Select 'poster. Item, reprehendo boxes sub Poster’ ad dola MARKS’ et schedulæ '. Sicut poteris videre previewed imitare vestigia rectis alternis sermonibus arca archa mos procer
4. Click Page Setup’ in sinistro cornu eligere typis charta fundum magnitudine.
5. Print!
6. Et tunc oportet inserere paginae margine demendum page. Singulis page est non co-ordinatim i.e. (1,3). Numerus primus agmen dixerit vobis Secunda positio in agmen et numerum.