Dachshund Clothes Sewing PatternBella Pyjama

Dachshund Clothes Sewing Pattern. Cosy up with your dachshund in his/her four legged pyjama outfit! Suitable for fleece or jersey fabrics. Available with a hood, turtle neck or simple neckline finishing. Option for a long tummy (for females) or short tummy (for males). Specially designed for dachshunds. May also fit other breeds with similar proportions.

Download comes complete with a colour tutorial and the pattern

Dachshund Clothes Sewing Pattern comes as a fullscale copyshop PDF document which can be printed on any size paper using Adobe Reader to poster print. Wkoll disponibbli maqsuma fuq A4 u l-US Ittra daqs paġni. Il-paġni separati jkollhom numri paġna u markers biex jgħinuk jallinjaw kull paġna korrett wara l-istampar.

Please view the Printing Instructions to find out how to accurately print your pattern to scale.

HOOD CUFFS SLEEVE: 44cm x 60cm / A4: 6 / US LETTER: 9
FRONT AND BACK: 45cm x 58cm / A4: 9 / US LETTER: 9

mudelli kollha jiġu dokument skala kif sħaħ biex jippermettu li inti li jistampaw fuq il-paġni ta 'daqs differenti kif ukoll A4 u l-US Ittra daqs medju dokumenti.

Kull download tiġi flimkien ma 'tutorja ma dijagrammi kulur jew ritratti.

Allowance ħjata 1.5cm hija inkluża fuq biċċiet kollha mudell sakemm mhux iddikjarat mod ieħor.


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5 Sizes Dachshund Clothes Sewing PatternBella Pyjama