Low-Rise Hipster Shorts Swimsuit Hot Pants Boy Shorts PDF Sewing Pattern

Low-rise hipster shorts designed specifically for stretch jersey or lycra fabrics. The Claudia Shorts can be made as swimwear or simply as shorts. They are slightly longer around the back than the front.

Create in stretch jersey for wearing over swimwear as shorts or use a stretch lycra fabric such as scuba jersey for use as swimwear. They can be made lined or unlined depending on your preference.

For the bikini pictured please view the Marisa Bikini. Bikini pattern sold separately.

Disponibbli f'daqsijiet: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18

Jekk jogħġbok ħsieb il CLAUDIA SHORTS TUTORIAL hawn jew ikklikkja l-tab hawn taħt biex tiftaħ f'din il-paġna.

Printing instructions can be found here
All patterns come as fully scale documents to allow you to print on different sized pages as well as A4 and US Letter sized documents.
Kull download tiġi flimkien ma 'tutorja ma dijagrammi kulur jew ritratti.
Allowance ħjata 1.5cm hija inkluża fuq biċċiet kollha mudell sakemm mhux iddikjarat mod ieħor.


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Claudia Shorts PDF Sewing Pattern
Low-Rise Hipster Shorts Hot Pants Boy Shorts PDF Sewing Pattern