Sphynx Clothing Sewing Pattern – Sphynx Cats لاءِ ڪلو اوپن فرنٽ ٽي

Featuring a single leg opening making it easier to get on and off and comfortable for kitties that don’t like clothes with legs. Choose to make either a regular neckline, hood or neck warmer in one of three lengths.

Pattern comes in 50 different sizes and two different ‘fit’ ڪاٺ جون (regular fit suitable for thicker fabrics like fleece or for a looser fit around the body) and close fit (suitable for thinner jersey fabrics and a closer fit around the body).

سڀني نمونن پورو پيماني تي دستاويز اچي اوھان کي مختلف اوچائي صفحن تي پرنٽ ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏيڻ سان گڏو گڏ A4 ۽ آمريڪا جي اکرن جي دستاويز sized.

Every Sphynx Clothing Sewing Pattern comes with a tutorial with colour diagrams or photographs.

هڪ 1.5cm سيون الائونس سڀ طرز ٽڪر تي شامل آهي، جيستائين ٻي صورت ۾ بيان.



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    هاڻي دڪان
50 Sizes Sphynx Clothing Sewing Pattern – Sphynx Cats لاءِ ڪلو اوپن فرنٽ ٽي