Fell Stitch

Fell Stitch

Fell Stitch - The Tailoress PDF Sewing Patterns

Use this stitch to secure seams from the right side. Pogosto se uporablja za dokončanje ovratnikov, pasovi in ​​rokavi. Uporabite ga lahko tudi za zaključek ročno valjanih obrob in francoskih šivov.

Za ustvarjanje padlega šiva, položite prepognjen rob zgornje tkanine na mero dodatka za šiv. Baste or pin in place. Work form right to left. Secure thread in place at beginning of work and take a small stitch directly across into adjoining fabric and take needle diagonally under the work and bring out again on the opposite side. Repeat and make another tiny stitch and again take the needle under diagonally. You will create tiny stitches on the top of the work and diagonal stitches on the under side.