Dress Construction Method

Dress Construction Method

Dress Construction Method - The Tailoress PDF Sewing Patterns

How to sew a dress. Use this as a guide. You may find it necessary to adapt or alter the sequence, but this is a standard, straight-forward way to put a dress together.

Some techniques you should be familiar with before you start:

back stitch

blind stitch

catch stitch

even basting

fell stitch


invisible stitch

slip basting


whip stitch

You will also need to draft a basic dress block. From this you can create
your own style. I suggest using one of the below books;

[xyz-ihs snippet=dressmaking-book”]

Some other materials and equipment you may need:

fabric shears

tailor’s chalk/pen

embroidery scissors



tacking thread



pressing equipment

hook and eye

Construction Method:

1- a kopanya darts.

2- Finish raw edges.

3- Insert zip.

4- Stitch side and shoulder seams.

5- Insert lining/facings.

6- Hems.

7- Embellishments/buttons.