Dachshund Clothes Sewing PatternBella Pyjama

Dachshund Clothes Sewing Pattern. Cosy up with your dachshund in his/her four legged pyjama outfit! Suitable for fleece or jersey fabrics. Available with a hood, turtle neck or simple neckline finishing. Option for a long tummy (for females) or short tummy (for males). Specially designed for dachshunds. May also fit other breeds with similar proportions.

Download comes complete with a colour tutorial and the pattern

Dachshund Clothes Sewing Pattern comes as a fullscale copyshop PDF document which can be printed on any size paper using Adobe Reader to poster print. Ogé sadia pegat nepi onto A4 na Hurup AS ukuran kaca. Kaca misah gaduh nomer halaman sarta spidol pikeun mantuan Anjeun align tiap halaman neuleu sanggeus percetakan.

Please view the Printing Instructions to find out how to accurately print your pattern to scale.

HOOD CUFFS SLEEVE: 44cm x 60cm / Ukuran Anak: 6 / AS huruf: 9
FRONT AND BACK: 45cm x 58cm / Ukuran Anak: 9 / AS huruf: 9

Kabéh pola datangna dokumén skala sakumaha pinuh pikeun ngidinan Anjeun pikeun nyitak dina kaca ukuran béda ogé A4 jeung AS Hurup ukuran dokumén.

Unggal download hadir kalawan tutorial jeung diagram warna atawa foto.

A sangu kelim 1.5cm ieu kaasup kana sagala buah pola iwal disebutkeun béda.


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5 Sizes Dachshund Clothes Sewing PatternBella Pyjama