STEP 1: Agar qaytarma qalpoqli foydalanmang rejangiz bo'lsa, bu qadam o'tish: Lay the HOOD pieces RIGHT SIDES together.…
Timmy Gilet Tutorial
STEP 1: COLLAR OPTION Lay the two COLLAR pieces RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER. Pin and stitch the seam allowance leaving the…
Jasper Jacket Tutorial
STEP 1: O`ng ikki yoqa dona Lay. Pin and stitch the seam allowance leaving the neckline seam…
Penny Sweater Tutorial
STEP 1: Barcha namuna dona kesib. uning eni bo'ylab yarmida SLEEVE Unlimited katlam. Match the raw…
Ro‘molcha uchun eng yaxshi darslik
STEP 1: For this pattern to work you can use any length and width of fabric so long as it…
Aziza Dressing Gown Tutorial
STEP 1: Suitable for fleece/jersey/towelling fabric Turn the SLEEVE cuff back 1.5cm to the RIGHT SIDE, then fold it again…
Kylo Tee qo'llanmasi
STEP 1: 1.5sm chok ruxsat barcha namuna dona kesib kiritilgan. The CUFFS will sew better if made from…
Gerda Kimono uchun qo'llanma
STEP 1: Iltimos, chop etish ko'rsatmalarini o'qing! Oldingi qismlarda cho'ntaklar yarating. Follow the welt pocket…
Penelopa liboslar Qo'llanma
STEP 1: Barcha namuna dona kesib. Fold the darts of the CUPS and sew following the curved…
Kara Shorts Tutorial
STEP 1: Siz qo'shimcha chidamlilik uchun qisqa yib kabi bo'lishi mumkin. Use double the same fabric or a…