

步 1:

从整流罩中心点标记处将 SKIRT RIGHT SIDES 折叠在一起.

销, stitch and finish the cowl seam.


步 2:

Place both SKIRT pieces RIGHT SIDES together.

Match the centre back seam allowances.

Pin stitch and finish the seams.


步 3:

Finish the hemline of both SKIRT pieces by creating a rolled hem.

Only complete the seam up until the centre front seam opening marker on the centre front.


步 4:

Place both SKIRT pieces RIGHT SIDES together.

Match the centre front seam allowances.

Pin stitch and finish the seams.


步 5:

Fold a small square of fabric in half and place under the centre front point where the skirt divides.

Top stitch around the V securing the square of fabric. This will support the centre seam line.

Trim away the excess.


步 6:

莱腰带 1 右侧连同腰带 2. 将缝边缝到标记处. 将 WAISTBAND 纵向折叠并按一半, 准备申请.


步 7:

Arrange the TOP sections RIGHT SIDES together with the SKIRT and WAISTBAND. 匹配侧缝.



Match the side seams and centre back/front of the WAISTBAND RIGHT SIDES together with the SKIRT. 引脚和线迹, finishing the seam allowance.

Press the seam allowances toward the inside of the garment.


步 8:

将 TIE 沿其长度右侧对折. 在中间放置一段字符串. 缝合顶部以将绳子固定到 TIE 上. 缝合缝边. 小心拉动绳子,将 TIE RIGHT SIDES 向外拉出.

将 TIE 纵向对折并缝合缝边. 打开右侧出使用缝车工.

按下并转动未加工的末端两次,完成 TIE,并使用小针脚固定. 插入裤腰完成.
