瓦伦蒂娜风格 2 教程


步 1:

Use the largest stitch on your machine and sew a row within the seam allowances of the shoulder and waistline on the TOP FRONT and BACK pieces. Sew between the facing marks on the FRONT pieces and between the facing and neckline marks on the BACK.


步 2:

Gather the shoulder seam allowances of the FRONT and BACK pieces to 17cm.

Match the FRONT and BACK pieces RIGHT SIDES together. PIN码和拼接肩缝. Finish the seam allowances using zig zag stitch or an overlocker. Press the seam toward the back.

Fold back the facings and press. You may like to hem stitch the facing to the inside of the garment if it won’t stay flat.

Pro tip: use french seam finishing for sturdy and tidy seams.


步 3:

Open up the TOP piece RIGHT SIDES up.

Top stitch the seam allowance flat to secure.


步 4:

莱腰带 1 右侧连同腰带 2. 将缝边缝到标记处. 将 WAISTBAND 纵向折叠并按一半, 准备申请.


步 5:

收拢 TOP 件的腰线以适合 WAISTBAND.

将中缝和侧缝点匹配在一起. 在侧面和中心点将 TOP 件重叠 2 厘米.



步 6:

将 TIE 沿其长度右侧对折. 在中间放置一段字符串. 缝合顶部以将绳子固定到 TIE 上. 缝合缝边. 小心拉动绳子,将 TIE RIGHT SIDES 向外拉出.

将 TIE 纵向对折并缝合缝边. 打开右侧出使用缝车工.

按下并转动未加工的末端两次,完成 TIE,并使用小针脚固定. 或者干脆在两端打个结. 插入裤腰完成.



步 7:


匹配中锋, TOP 和 SKIRT 或 TROUSER RIGHT SIDES 的背面和侧缝合在一起.

引脚和线迹. 完成缝边.
