步 1:
连身裤 – 从遵循顶级教程开始.
与 TROUSER RIGHT SIDES 一起, 使用罩接缝标记作为中心基准对折腿.
步 2:
With the TROUSER still RIGHT SIDES together match the inside leg seam allowances.
销, 缝合并完成.
重复步骤 1-2 对于其他裤子.
步 3:
打开一个裤子反面出来. 将其他裤兜里面和裆缝津贴右侧搭配在一起.
销, 缝合并完成.
步 4:
莱腰带 1 右侧连同腰带 2. 将缝边缝到标记处. 将 WAISTBAND 纵向折叠并按一半, 准备申请.
步 5:
TROUSERS (for the jumpsuit, the WAISTBAND is added to the top)
Pin the WAISTBAND around the TROUSERS matching the centre of WAISTBAND 1 with the centre front.
缝, finish and press the seam allowance to the inside.
步 6:
Fold the LEG CUFF in half RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER matching the shorter ends together.
销, stitch and press open.
Fold in half around its length and press.
Match the raw edges of the LEG CUFF and the TROUSER leg RIGHT SIDES together. 销, 缝, finish and press the seam allowance toward the inside.
步 7:
将 TIE 沿其长度右侧对折. 在中间放置一段字符串. 缝合顶部以将绳子固定到 TIE 上. 缝合缝边. 小心拉动绳子,将 TIE RIGHT SIDES 向外拉出.
将 TIE 纵向对折并缝合缝边. 打开右侧出使用缝车工.
按下并转动未加工的末端两次,完成 TIE,并使用小针脚固定. 插入裤腰完成.
匹配中锋, back and side seams of the TOP and TROUSER RIGHT SIDES together.
引脚和线迹. 完成缝边.