The crow’s foot tack is similar to the arrowhead tack. Begin by marking a small triangle in the required place.…
Baseball Stitch
A stitch normally used to join two seams without any bulk. Used on interfacings. Begin by laying fabrics right sides…
Catchstitch Din il stitch jippermetti ċertu ammont ta 'elastiċità fil-ħjata u hija frekwentament użata fil hemming. Huwa…
Crows Marda Tack
Crows Foot Tack Tacks are mainly used to secure the ends of pockets and pleats were added reinforcement are needed.…
Veloċità kontinwu ħajjata Tack
Kontinwu Veloċità ħajjata Tack Uża din stitch biex jittrasferixxu marki mill-mudell direttament għall-biċċa ħwejjeġ. With the…
Diagonal basting
Djagonali basting Din il stitch huwa użat biex iżomm biċċiet multipli ta 'drapp flimkien sikur għal twaħħil. Use it…
anke basting
Anke basting A stitch basting użat għall ħjatat temporanji li se jkunu taħt stress meta mgħammra. You can also use…
irregolari basting
Irregolari basting Tista 'tuża din stitch għal xogħol temporanju jew permanenti. If you are using this stitch for permanently…