Dachshunds Clothes Sewing Pattern – Jumper tal-kmiem Raglan ta 'Toby Jersey

Dachshunds Clothes Sewing Pattern. NEW and IMPROVED! Now you can choose to make with a long or short tummy. The long tummy version will suit females better and the short version males (to allow for toileting without messing the shirt). Included now also is a longer neckline option.

Create a cute jumper for your furry friend! Featuring raglan sleeves and made from stretch jersey, this jumper is easy and comfortable to get on and off your pet. Choose to create with a hood or without. The hem, sleeves and neckline are finished with a jersey cuff for comfort and style.

istruzzjonijiet dwar stampar jista 'jinstab hawnhekk.

Download comes complete with a colour tutorial.

mudelli kollha jiġu dokument skala kif sħaħ biex jippermettu li inti li jistampaw fuq il-paġni ta 'daqs differenti kif ukoll A4 u l-US Ittra daqs medju dokumenti.

Kull download tiġi flimkien ma 'tutorja ma dijagrammi kulur jew ritratti.

Allowance ħjata 1.5cm hija inkluża fuq biċċiet kollha mudell sakemm mhux iddikjarat mod ieħor.


Dog Sizes

ŻGĦAR (1-6), MEDJU (7-12), GRAN (13-18)


M'hemm l-ebda reviżjonijiet għadhom.

Biss illoggjat klijenti li xtraw dan il-prodott jistgħu jħallu reviżjoni.

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5 Sizes Dachshunds Clothes Sewing Pattern – Jumper tal-kmiem Raglan ta 'Toby Jersey