juli 26

Crow’s Foot Tack

The crow’s foot tack is similar to the arrowhead tack. Begin by marking a small triangle in the required place.

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juli 25

Baseball Stitch

A stitch normally used to join two seams without any bulk. Used on interfacings. Begin by laying fabrics right sides

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juli 24

Bar Tack

Čavlići se uglavnom koristi za osiguravanje krajevima džepova i nabora su dodao armature su potrebni. When done correctly

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april 11


Catchstitch Ovo Stitch omogućava određenu količinu elastičnosti u šav i često se koristi u Hemming. TO JE…

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april 11

Vrane Foot Tack

Crows Foot Tack Tacks are mainly used to secure the ends of pockets and pleats were added reinforcement are needed.

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april 11

Francuski Knot

Francuski Knot A dekorativni bod. Secure konac i izvući iglu na desnu stranu tkanine. Twist thread around

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april 11

čak Basting

Čak Basting A prelijete šav se koristi za privremeno šavove koji će biti pod stresom kada opremljen. You can also use

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april 11

Francuski Tack

Francuski Tack Također se zove 'nit lanca'. Koristi se labavo zajedno drže odjeće sekcije. It is less durable than a

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