Cat Sweater Sewing Pattern – امير ٽي & Jumper for Sphynx

Cat Sweater Sewing Pattern. The Amir set can be made as a t-shirt or with short or long sleeves. Suitable for hairless cat breeds. With three neckline finishings. You can have a basic neckline cuff, hood or neck warmer in three lengths. Available in 50 sizes to suit almost every size and shape. Download comes with two sets of patterns, one for jersey and stretch fabrics and one for thicker fabrics such as fleece.

سڀني نمونن پورو پيماني تي دستاويز اچي اوھان کي مختلف اوچائي صفحن تي پرنٽ ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏيڻ سان گڏو گڏ A4 ۽ آمريڪا جي اکرن جي دستاويز sized.

هر ڊائون لوڊ رنگ جا خاڪا يا فوٽو سان هڪ tutorial سان اچي ٿو.

هڪ 1.5cm سيون الائونس سڀ طرز ٽڪر تي شامل آهي، جيستائين ٻي صورت ۾ بيان.



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50 Sizes Cat Sweater Sewing Pattern – امير ٽي & Jumper for Sphynx